Soundhealing getestet: Erlebe die Schwingungen

Soundhealing getestet: Erlebe die Schwingungen


Lying around and being exposed to instruments? Our colleague Kerstin has tested Soundhealing and is convinced that you have to try it yourself. She talks about her experiences and why even tears flowed ...

What is sound healing like?

Soundhealing is a form of meditation that uses the sound of various instruments to heal the body and mind. At the beginning of my first lesson, the teacher took a singing bowl and filled it with water. When she struck the bowl with the clapper and it began to vibrate, I saw how the vibrations created a pattern on the surface of the water. Our body also consists of about 70 percent water. And since water reacts to vibrations, the sounds of the singing bowl also have an influence on our bodies. Soundhealing is therefore the balancing of the vibrations of the body through sounds.

What does soundhealing work?

These sounds are produced by the yoga teacher through a wide variety of (sacred) instruments. Above all, singing bowls of different tones and vibration heights are used. These include classical Tibetan singing bowls, which are usually handmade from brass. Or even industrially manufactured ones, or even those made of crystal. But gongs, drums and rattles are also used. Even the voice of the teachers has healing effects through humming or reciting mantras.

The yoga teacher actuates these instruments partly intuitively. But mainly fitting to the topic of the hour. Just as a mantra promotes certain healing, singing bowls are also associated with the chakra system. That's why different people are particularly attracted to different singing bowls.

Original website:Soundhealing getestet: Erlebe die Schwingungen - Yoga World
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